Immediate Release: July 22, 2024
Media Contact: Dana Santos,, 727-464-8355
The Call for Projects period is now open for local governments to submit applications through the Local Agency Grants Program and Transportation Alternatives Program.
Forward Pinellas is now accepting applications from local government or regional partners operating in Pinellas County for the following programs: the Local Agency Grants Program and Transportation Alternatives Program. These programs provide direct funding for local transportation projects that demonstrate a strong link to redevelopment, economic opportunity, and better accessibility for all roadway users.
Forward Pinellas Board has awarded nearly $10 million over the years toward projects with the intent of assisting communities in meeting their goals for mobility and safe access for all users, regardless of mode of transportation, age, or physical ability. Learn more and see how to apply on the Call for Projects webpage and join our informational webinar on July 24 at 2:00pm EST.
Transportation Alternatives Funding Program
Transportation Alternatives is a federal funding program that can be used for pedestrian and bicycle projects, as well as infrastructure to improve non-driver access to transit. Deadline to apply is October 18, 2024 (applicants are required to meet with Forward Pinellas staff to discuss their applications before August 23rd).
Local Agency Grants Program
Transportation Planning and Technical Assistance
Up to $150,000 will be available in Fiscal Year 2025/26 for planning projects. Eligible projects may include but will not be limited to: complete streets concept plan development; specialty transportation research; safety analyses; community charettes and facilitation; community walking audits or visioning workshops; evaluation of conditions for pilot technology applications; and other eligible transportation planning related activities.
Transportation Construction and Capital Project
Up to $3,000,000 will be available for construction projects. Eligible projects may include but will not be limited to: complete streets construction projects; the procurement of counting equipment for all modes of transportation; technological equipment to improve mobility; bicycle racks (to be placed on public ROW); and other eligible capital and construction projects. Projects selected for funding will be prioritized for addition to the Florida Department of Transportation Work Program.
Deadline to apply is November 22, 2024 (applicants are required to meet with Forward Pinellas staff to discuss their applications before August 23rd).
Call for Projects Informational Webinar
Time: July 24, 2024 02:00 – 3:00 PM Eastern Time
Applications received will be competitively scored using a set scoring criteria. For scoring criteria details and examples of eligible projects, please refer to the application packets. Questions or technical assistance requests can be directed to Chelsea Favero, Forward Pinellas Planning Manager, at 727-464-5644 or