By: Nousheen Rahman, Principal Planner
Pinellas County residents want more safe transportation options.
As part of the development of our Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), Pinellas residents told us what they expect for their transportation systems in the future. They want more transportation options that are efficient and safer streets to reach their destinations, whether those destinations are near their home or across the region.
Maintaining an LRTP is a key role of Forward Pinellas as the Metropolitan Planning Organization for Pinellas County. Branded as Advantage Pinellas 2050, the LRTP is adopted every five years, but looks ahead to the next 20 years, to account for the county’s changing population and economic conditions, travel patterns and local priorities. Advantage Pinellas 2050 is the blueprint for improving mobility and includes a list of transportation projects needed for the next 20 years.
A project must be included in Advantage Pinellas to be eligible for state and federal funding, so it is our opportunity to work together to make sure that the projects included reflect the needs and desires of our communities. A key part of this process is conducting a statistically valid survey of Pinellas County’s residents to better understand what the community wants for the future of our community’s transportation. The LRTP survey was administered in spring 2023. A snapshot of the key findings from the survey are provided below.
Key Survey Findings
Support lower speeds for safer streets
Residents expressed strong support for roadways to have safe spaces for ALL road users, whether they be motorists, bicyclists or pedestrians, with 91 percent of respondents indicating improving safety as an important planning priority for Pinellas County. For example, 63 percent of respondents would support lower speeds for safer streets. This is up from 57 percent from when residents were asked the same question during the last survey in 2018.
Desire destinations within a 10 minute walk
Pinellas County residents are not only thinking about how they can get around, but what they have near them. Having a variety of destinations like shops, restaurants, jobs and gathering places within a 10-minute walk is the most ideal neighborhood for more than 70 percent of respondents. These responses reinforce to us the importance of planning for our corridors not only in the context of transportation, but also land use and redevelopment.
Desire improved transit options for regional travel
In terms of transit, residents showed a desire to see more efficient transit options. Only 20 percent of respondents said they would never take transit, but half of the survey respondents stated they would take transit if it would get them around quickly and efficiently. Respondents say they want better regional transit, with 64 percent stating a desire to see improved transit options for regional destinations, like our neighbors across Tampa Bay.
The survey results reinforce the importance of our work with both our local partners and regional partners. At Forward Pinellas, we aim to prioritize our transportation investments that support local development and transportation decisions, helping ensure we align complementary actions with our partners throughout the county. Because growth and transportation do not stop at a border of a municipality or a region, strong partnerships and regional coordination are key to delivering safe transportation options and strategic land use planning throughout our county and region.
Utilizing the survey responses and feedback received during the extensive community engagement process, Advantage Pinellas 2050 is now in the phase of selecting priority transportation projects that balance expected project costs with projected revenues. The plan will be adopted in fall 2024.
View the full survey report here.
Want to get involved in the 2050 LRTP?
Visit the Advantage Pinellas 2050 webpage to learn more & register for the Advantage Pinellas Participation Challenge – an interactive platform where you can share your thoughts for transportation in Pinellas County!
Editors note: This blog was updated on June 26, 2024 to correct crash data.