For the past two years we have been asking for your input into how our communities should develop into the future and how we should invest our funding to move people around. You’ve filled out our surveys in the mail, over the phone, and online, joined our focus group, and talked with us at public events, homeowners association meetings and at other meetings of civic groups. All along, we have been hearing the same message. You made it clear that widening roadways to solve traffic congestion is not the best option for our future. You want strategic investments in areas of growth. You want mobility options that serve the needs of all road users, including drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians and transit users, while maintaining our existing infrastructure.

Advantage Pinellas does just that. Advantage Pinellas is your long range transportation plan, identifying the transportation projects that will be advanced for state and federal funding through 2045. The Plan follows your priorities: safety, planning for walkable communities and access to premium transit corridors that connect our region. Our ability to allocate funds to categories other than roadways is somewhat limited, based on restrictions tied to state and federal funding requirements, but Advantage Pinellas dedicates close to 100% of our flexible funding sources to projects that address safety, accessibility, transit and technology.

We hope you’ll read through the summary Advantage Pinellas Plan, including the projects being advanced for funding, and see your needs reflected. Thank you for helping us plan for Pinellas County’s transportation future.