As our community faces the unprecedented challenge of the COVID-19 outbreak, Forward Pinellas is continuing to guide land use and transportation planning in Pinellas County. Our offices are currently closed to the public and our staff members are working from home. We continue to stay connected with the public, our local governments, and other partner agencies.
On March 20th, the governor issued an executive order providing new options for meeting Sunshine Law requirements so we can continue with public meetings. We’re testing a number of technology platforms that will allow our advisory committee members and elected officials to vote on agenda items and for the public to participate and provide input in a meaningful way. This will allow us to keep moving forward with essential matters such as land use cases, Countywide Rules amendments, advancing priority transportation projects and planning efforts, and procurements.
In coming days we may see more restrictions and closures, limiting travel to essential needs and services. There are new laws in place and multiple executive and emergency orders at the federal, state and local levels to understand, interpret and implement. We will continue to serve as a resource for our member communities in navigating these challenges.
If we can provide any assistance to you or your local government during this time, please contact us at 727-464-8250 or