Local governments in Pinellas County looking to make streets more accessible, improve infrastructure for bicyclists and pedestrians, or incentivize the development of great places can apply now to fund projects through three Forward Pinellas grant programs.
We are currently accepting applications for the following programs:
1. Complete Streets Grant Funding
Complete Streets are designed, operated and maintained for all users, regardless of age or ability, based on the context of the roadway and its surrounding area. Forward Pinellas has developed an incentive program to assist local governments in planning, designing and constructing Complete Streets projects. Up to $100,000 will be available in Fiscal Year 2020 for concept planning projects and up to $1 million will be available for construction projects, to be included in the next Florida Department of Transportation Five-Year Work Program. Forward Pinellas will make our staff available to provide technical assistance throughout the application period. Application documents for the Complete Streets program are linked here.
2. Transportation Alternatives Grant Funding
Transportation Alternatives is a federal funding program that can be used for pedestrian and bicycle projects, as well as infrastructure to improve non-driver access to transit. Applications received will be competitively scored using the criteria included in the application packet. The application addendum includes the program requirements and criteria. Application documents for the Transportation Alternatives program are linked here; you can also download an editable Word version of the application.
3. Planning and Placemaking Grant Funding
Up to $100,000 will be available in Fiscal Year 2020 for projects that advance the Planning & Urban Design Principles of the Countywide Plan. For example, crafting regulations that incentivize compact, mixed-use land development, form-based codes, design guidelines, or completing an economic profile of an area are all eligible activities under this program. Other activities or initiatives may also be eligible if the local government consults with Forward Pinellas prior to submitting a grant application. Application documents for the Planning and Placemaking program are linked here.
Applications are due by December 13, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. Questions regarding Complete Streets or Transportation Alternatives may be directed to Chelsea Favero at cfavero@forwardpinellas.org; Questions regarding Planning and Placemaking may be directed to Rodney Chatman at rschatman@forwardpinellas.org.